If you’re new to art and don’t know where to begin; already making art but need guidance; or somewhere in between, Lauren will be your cheering, gentle guide.

Lauren’s Art Coaching featured in Artsy Magazine!

Creativity is a gift of being human – no experience required

  • Do you want to try your hand at art but don’t know how to begin?
  • Do you want to create on a more regular basis but need someone to keep you on track?
  • Are you looking for a new medium to try?
  • Would you like guidance with some art you’ve been working with?
  • Did you have a negative experience with an art teacher long ago but long to try again? 

Offered online via Zoom.

It can be hard to begin making art…

It can be hard to begin making art – where to begin? It’s hard to keep an art practice going. There are so many pulls in our lives, so much to distract us, and often, a distracting inner critic who gets in the way of our innate knowing.

Lauren’s been helping people find the essence of themselves through their work for many years, from the east coast to the west.

Together, you’ll figure out the best medium for your personal voice and vision. Don’t yet have a vision? You’ll figure it out together.  And Lauren can help you with your inner critic, allowing you to find your joy in your work.

What Lauren’s Coaching looks like:

  • We’ll start with taking a few minute to discuss where you’re at in your creative life, and where you’d like to be
  • If you’re new to art, I’ll help you enter the amazingly rich world of creativity, which includes many media and modes of expression
  • We’ll talk about new media that would be good for you to try; concepts and techniques to further your work
  • I’ll help you stay on track, and together we’ll find the incredible richness in your work
  • No prior experience is needed, at all,  just a willingness to be open. Creativity is a gift of being human
  • Our meetings are one hour via Zoom, $150/session or a discounted 4-pack for $575

What you can expect from Lauren…

  • Gentle encouragement
  • A truly listening ear and a discerning eye
  • A sincere respect for your own unique creative process
  • A sharing of a lifetime of art making wisdom

What Lauren’s coach-ees say…

“So much gratitude for you and the work we did together. I could not have done this work without your gentle guidance and wisdom.”

“Your gentle coaching brings me to a place of self observation and understanding that I never imagined.”

“For me, coaching with Lauren is an extraordinary private retreat – a haven to explore without boundaries.”

“YOU are the most amazing woman and creative coach. Always full of love, guidance and bits of wisdom you gently encourage me to find my own path. The process is SO cool.”

“SUCH a wonderful session today, Lauren. I am still carrying around such a glowing feeling and spirit inside.”

“I am trying (and succeeding) to work every day. I continue to see art everywhere. And I appreciate you more than I can say.”

“I had been so afraid of art. Now I see the unique creative power in me, and let it free to blossom.” 


One-hour of private coaching $150/hour or a discounted 4-pack for $500
Get started by filling out the form below, and we’ll be in touch soon!

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