Our 14th annual!
Weekend Retreat of Art & Yoga
October 3-5, 2025
Click below for an invite
Lauren Rader of ‘Releasing the Creative Powers Within™’ is thrilled to announce our upcoming annual weekend of pure art bliss in the beautiful foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Featuring art with Lauren and yoga with Rocky Delaplaine, this event will be filled with exploration, creativity, warmth, humor, and camaraderie.
When: Weekend of October 3-5, 2025
Where: The beautiful and serene Sevenoaks Retreat Center: 130 Acres of Sacred Land, near Charlottesville, Virginia – less than 2 hours from DC.
“SO so amazing. Seems to me that, after this weekend, you can coast your way through the rest of life. You are nurturing so many people:
Could you see all us seeds bursting open into flowers blooming? “

Art making any time of the day or night(!), Personal attention, Yoga and movement, Healthy Gourmet Meals; Comfortable Lodging, and Lots of Fun.
Email Lauren for more information on our weekend of B L I S S
A few moments on video from a past Art & Yoga Retreat
More about Lauren and Rocky:
Lauren Rader is an artist and art educator whose works range from stark minimalist paintings to vibrant abstract pastels. Her works are in numerous private and corporate collections and were selected for the U.S. Embassy in Fiji. Lauren has taught art for more than 30 years. In 2005 Rader opened her studio to the public for the first time, teaching classes to women called ‘Releasing the Creative Powers Within’. This retreat is an outgrowth of those classes. You can read more about the classes, and view Lauren’s most recent work and read the opening chapters of her new book, Studio Stories at . Join her on facebook, twitter or instagram.
Rocky Delaplaine a certified Iyengar Yoga teacher, is interested in exploring how asana (Yoga postures) and pranayama (breath work) promote peace, foster creativity, and cultivate reverence for the natural world. Practicing and teaching for over 30 yeas, Rocky helps students achieve the seemingly simple tasks of grounding, lifting, breathing, and finding right relationship to gravity. Rocky has been a long-time student in Lauren’s art classes. Her first full-length poetry collection, “The Local World”, was awarded “Ten best poetry books of 2019.”
We can’t wait for you to join us!
Reflections from past attendees…
“Loved the serene, supportive, accepting tone of everything.”
“Still savoring the weekend. Unforgettable. You, Rocky and Gail made it seem effortless, look easy.”
“I watched in awe as the women honored their own courage to show up, leave family and duties behind and be with their creative selves. Expanding themselves…finding themselves each step of the way.”
“I loved the rhythm of it all…”
“I loved the art and the connections with so many wonderful women. I thought that much art might be too much for me, but I found that taking a break when I needed it worked. I also was thrilled that I wanted to do the art so much, that it called me.”
“I felt wonderful that I completed something that I truly love and I thought the diversity and the beauty of everyone’s work was amazing. I think what I took away from the retreat was the opening of myself to more and different types of art.”
“I love your photos, looking at them brought back all of the peace and calm of that weekend.”
“I didn’t realize until I was driving home the depths of the spiritual aspects of the weekend that I had experienced. Perhaps it was the combination of the yoga, the art, and the wonderful natural setting, but I experienced a calm and mindfulness that I know I have been seeking but had not, until the weekend, been able to achieve. I’m so grateful I allowed myself to partake in the beauty of the well of guidance and example you both shared. Thank you again.”
“It was perfect. Just enough “lecture” and thoughtful wisdom, physical expression, humor, group sharing and “space” in the group.”
“Okay, so I am home but my mind is still on the retreat doing art with you. It pained me to shower and wash away the paint on my body. I had a blast!!!”
“The sense of welcome, of non-judgment, of appreciating our own and other’s projects, was shown in many ways at many times. Great spirit.”
“Loved the place and the space to be able to paint with loving support from Lauren, Rocky and a room full of like minded women.”
“Soul-nourishing perfection”
“From the array of art supplies and choice, the humorous and loving teachers, the size of the group, the flow of activities and integration of yoga, the healthy yummy food, the music and the weather…oh, and the location! what’s not to like…”
join us!
Sign up to be on the mailing list for the invite for our upcoming retreat: Friday, September 27 – Sunday, September 29, 2024
Fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch soon!