5 Ways To Art

 In 5 Ways to Art, Uncategorized

I’m so excited to welcome you to 5 Ways To Art. I’m glad you’re here!

This is what I know: We are all creative.

Truth is, from the minute we open our eyes in the morning – no wait – dreaming! Even when we’re asleep we’re creative! When we open our eyes and greet the day – decide what to wear, what to eat – we’re making creative decisions. When we shop and imagine what’s for dinner…

Being creative is innate, it’s a gift of being human.

Bringing that inborn creativity into the realm of creating art is a leap up and away from our usual creativity – but it is doable – for anyone who wishes to make the jump. I’ve been teaching art since I was 17. I’ve watched hundreds of people set off on the path of making art.

Each path is unique, has never been walked before – and never will be traversed again. It’s unknown – exciting, rewarding, and sometimes scary.

BUT it just might be the most enriching thing you ever do with your life…

5 Reasons To Make Art:
1. Because making art soothes the soul

2. Because making art brings us into the present

3. Because we need more creating than destroying in this world

4. Because making art brings us in touch with our deeper selves

5. Because making art feels so freakin’ good!!

In my next every-other-week post, I’ll share 5 artful ways to greet your day. See you then!

To all you are,

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